How much does laser tattoo removal cost?

We aim to provide you with the best results at the most affordable price. Treatment costs will depend on a number of factors including, the age, size, placement, the colour of ink pigment and the number of treatments required. Unseen Laser provides affordable treatments with prices starting from just $80 per session. 

What laser technology is used?
At Unseen Laser we have invested in the best medical grade laser technology and equipment available using the Cryomed Pastelle Q-Switch Laser. The Pastelle QS is a high-powered, Q-switched Nd:YAG laser that lets you choose the most effective wavelength for treating multi-colour tattoos. Our Q switched laser has a very short pulse duration. This enables the delivery of high energy to the target without heating and damaging the surrounding tissues.

How many treatments are required?

We believe in giving you realistic treatment expectations and are committed to achieving the most efficient results with out compromising on safety. Laser tattoo removal is a process of pigment fading that will require a series of treatments scheduled a minimum of 6 weeks apart. Black ink usually responds to treatment more effectively than brighter colours as dark pigments absorb the laser light more readily. Depth, colour, ink saturation and placement of your tattoo are all determining factors in how effective each session will be. In most cases, the average tattoo can be completely removed with 4-10 treatments.

Can I lighten a tattoo for it to be covered?

Most tattoo artists encourage clients to lighten their existing tattoos prior to covering with a new one; this dramatically reduces the chance of your old tattoo appearing through your new work after a couple of months. In most cases 2-6 treatments is required to lighten an existing tattoo, which leaves you with a much broader range of cover-up options and allows for much brighter colours with out the need for heavy black! No need to compromise!

Is laser tattoo removal painful?

Depending on your pain threshold and the position of your tattoo, laser removal can cause some discomfort. We manage pain with our Koolio machine that blows cryogenically cooled air on the area before, during and after treatment. Further numbing via topical numbing creams can be obtained from your pharmacist or prescribed by your GP to help further ease the discomfort if required.

Can you remove all colours?

Black and red ink respond most effectively to laser treatment and are therefore easiest to lighten. Lighter colours such as pastels, yellow, pink and green are more stubborn and generally require more treatments. However, it is possible to lighten all colours!

What can I expect after treatment? Is there anything I should avoid?

You will notice whitening of the treated area immediately after the laser is applied to the skin, this is known as “frosting” from there you may have slight discomfort and warmth from the area. It is normal to experience localised redness, swelling or bruising. Blistering and/or scabbing may appear 7-72 hours post treatment. For the first few days or until the area is fully healed you should avoid soaking, swimming pools, saunas ect. Do not pick or pop the blisters or scabs as this will prolong healing and will encourage possible infection and/or scarring. As it heals, it will dry and may become itchy; moisturising with a cream such as our recommended aftercare or Bepanthen will help relieve this. It is advised all UV exposure is to be avoided for the duration of laser tattoo removal treatments.

How soon after laser treatment can I get tattooed?

To allow the skin to be completely healed, we recommend allowing a minimum of 12 weeks from your last laser treatment before being re-tattooed.

How do I care for the area after treatment?
Thorough aftercare instructions will be provided both verbally and written during your consultation and again after treatment. It is your responsibility to follow the instructions carefully for best healing and results.